1. Fliqlo / Flip Clock

    The Fliqlo (Flip Clock) app is a popular screensaver app that adds a touch of nostalgia and elegance to your computer or mobile device. It displays a flip clock with large numbers that flip over to show the current time. Originally designed as a screensaver for Mac computers, it is now available for Windows and iOS devices as well. You can customize the clock's appearance, such as choosing the clock format and adjusting its size and position on the screen. The Fliqlo app's minimalist and vintage design has earned it a lot of popularity among users who appreciate a simple yet stylish screensaver for their devices.

2. Flora

The Flora app is a popular productivity and focus app that helps users stay on track and avoid distractions. It's based on the Pomodoro Technique, where you work in focused intervals and take short breaks.

In the Flora app, you start a focused work session by planting a virtual tree. If you stay focused and don't exit the app, the tree grows and thrives. However, if you get distracted or leave the app, the tree withers and dies. The idea is to motivate you to be productive and committed to your work, as the growing tree reflects your productivity.

One interesting feature of the app is its social aspect. You can invite friends or colleagues to join your focus sessions, supporting each other's productivity and holding each other accountable. Overall, the Flora app is a great tool to help boost productivity and focus!

3. Structured

The "Structured Daily Planner" app is a digital application that helps users organize and manage their daily tasks, appointments, and goals in a structured and organized way. It typically offers features like task management, calendar integration, goal setting, time blocking, reminders, note-taking, and progress tracking.

With this app, you can create tasks, set deadlines, and prioritize them based on their importance. It syncs with your calendar, allowing you to schedule events and reminders seamlessly. You can also define and track your goals, ensuring you stay focused and motivated.

To manage your time effectively, the app lets you allocate specific time blocks for different activities or tasks. It sends reminders and notifications to keep you informed about upcoming tasks or events. Additionally, you can take notes, jot down ideas, and store important information within the app!

4. POMODORO - focus timer

The Pomodoro app is a mobile application that follows the Pomodoro Technique, a time management method for better focus and productivity. It works by breaking work into 25-minute intervals (Pomodoros) followed by short breaks. After four Pomodoros, you get a longer break. The app has a timer for these intervals, customizable settings, and often includes task tracking and productivity statistics. It's great for staying focused, managing time effectively, and boosting productivity by dividing work into manageable chunks with regular breaks.

5. Google Calendar

Google Calendar is a popular choice for individuals seeking a reliable and versatile tool to manage their calendars effectively. It's a widely-used online calendar app that helps you schedule and organize events. It offers features like multiple calendars, sharing with others, reminders, integration with other Google services, time zone support, and availability checking. It's free to use and works across most  devices.

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